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刘玉敬 湖湘学者

发布者:谭冰  发布时间:2020年11月20日 11:38


刘玉敬: 198512月生,博士,湖湘学者,硕士生导师,20097月毕业于哈尔滨理工大学机械动力工程学院,获学士学位。20173月毕业于埃迪斯科文大学机械学院,获博士学位。随后在西澳大利亚大学进行博士后研究(2017/07-2020/04)。20208月入职新利luck在线·(中国)有限公司官网材料科学与工程学院,湖湘学者“拔尖一类”特聘教授。在国际知名专业期刊发表SCI论文60多篇,期刊包括Nature,Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports, Advaced Materials,Acta Materialia,Scripta, Composites Part B: Engineering等,其中第一作者\通讯发表中科院一区SCI论文25篇,一作/通讯ESI高被引论文6篇,谷歌学术引用5000余次,H-index 38,主持1项国家自然科学青年基金项目,1项湖南省自然科学青年基金项目,2022年入选斯坦福大学“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。

研究主要领域为3D打印钛合金,包括材料开发、工艺调试、多孔结构设计和制备、多孔结构疲劳性能研究、复合结构材料设计和制备。在国际专业期刊发表SCI论文40多篇。谷歌学术引用2210次,一作/通讯ESI高被引论文5篇,H-index 23(截止2020/08/20.



1.   Y.J. Liu, D.C.Ren, S.J.Li, H.Wang, L.C.Zhang, T.B.Sercomb, Enhanced fatigue characteristics of a topology-optimized porous titanium structure produced by selective laser melting.Additive Manufacturing, 32 (2020) 101060

2.   Y.J. Liu,, H.L. Wang, S.J. Li, S.G. Wang, W.J. Wang, W.T. Hou, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, L.C. Zhang, Compressive and fatigue behavior of beta-type titanium porous structures fabricated by electron beam melting, Acta Materialia.126 (2017) 58-66.

3.   Y.J. Liu,, S.J. Li, H.L. Wang, W.T. Hou, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, T.B. Sercombe, L.C. Zhang, Microstructure, defects and mechanical behavior of beta-type titanium porous structures manufactured by electron beam melting and selective laser melting, Acta Materialia. 113 (2016) 56-67.

4.   Y.J. Liu,, Liu, Z., Jiang, Y., Wang, G.W., Yang, Y. and Zhang, L.C., Gradient in microstructure and mechanical property of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 735 (2018) 1414-1421.

5.   Y.J. Liu,, S.J. Li, L.C. Zhang, Y.L. Hao, T.B. Sercombe, Early plastic deformation behaviour and energy absorption in porous β-type biomedical titanium produced by selective laser melting, Scripta Materialia. 153 (2018) 99-103.

6.   Y.J. Liu,, Y. S. Zhang, and L. C. Zhang. "Transformation-induced plasticity and high strength in beta titanium alloy manufactured by selective laser melting." Materialia 6 (2019): 100299.

7.   Y.J. Liu,, X.P. Li, L.C. Zhang, T.B. Sercombe, Processing and properties of topologically optimised biomedical Ti24Nb4Zr8Sn scaffolds manufactured by selective laser melting, Materials Science and Engineering: A. 642 (2015) 268-278.

8.   Y.J. Liu,, S.J. Li, W.T. Hou, S.G. Wang, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, T. Sercombe, L.C. Zhang, Electron beam melted beta-type Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn porous structures with high strength-to-modulus ratio, Journal of Materials Science and Technology. 32 (2016) 505-508

9.   Y.J. Liu, X. Zhao, L.C. Zhang, D. Habibi, Z. Xie, Architectural design of diamond-like carbon coatings for long-lasting joint replacements, Materials Science and Engineering: C. 33 (2013) 2788-2794.

10. Y.J. Liu,, W. Wang, L.C. Zhang, Additive manufacturing techniques and their biomedical applications, Family Medicine and Community Health, 4 (2017) 286-298.

11. L.C. Zhang, Y.J. Liu,*, Li, S. and Hao, Y, Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys by Electron Beam Melting: A Review. Advanced Engineering Materials. (2018).

12. Jiang, Y., Chen, Y., Y.J. Liu,*, and Sui, G.X, Lightweight spongy bone-like graphene@ SiC aerogel composites for high-performance microwave absorption. Chemical Engineering Journal. 337 (2018) 525-531.

13. Liang, Shun-Xing, Xueqing Wang, Wenchang Zhang, Y.J. Liu,*, Weimin Wang, and Lai-Chang Zhang. "Selective laser melting manufactured porous Fe-based metallic glass matrix composite with remarkable catalytic activity and reusability." Applied Materials Today 19 (2020): 100543.

14. Lu, Y., Yang, C., Y.J. Liu,*, Yang, K. and Lin, J., Characterization of lattice defects and tensile deformation of biomedical Co29Cr9W3Cu alloy produced by selective laser melting. Additive Manufacturing, 30, (2019) p.100908.

15. Lu, Yanjin, Wenlie Lin, Meiming Xie, Wentao Xu, Y.J. Liu,*, Junjie Lin, Chun Yu et al. "Examining Cu content contribution to changes in oxide layer formed on selective-laser-melted CoCrW alloys." Applied Surface Science (2019). 464, 262-272.

16. Ren, D. C., H. B. Zhang, Y.J. Liu,*, S. J. Li, W. Jin, R. Yang, and L. C. Zhang. "Microstructure and properties of equiatomic TiNi alloy fabricated by selective laser melting." Materials Science and Engineering: A 771 (2020): 138586.

17. Yang, Y, Y.J. Liu,#, J. Chen, H. L. Wang, Z. Q. Zhang, Y. J. Lu, S. Q. Wu, and J. X. Lin. Crystallographic features of alpha variants and beta phase for Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 707 (2017) 548-558.

18. Liang, Shunxing, Zhe Jia, Y.J. Liu,, Wenchang Zhang, Weimin Wang, Jian Lu, and LaiChang Zhang. "Compelling Rejuvenated Catalytic Performance in Metallic Glasses." Advanced Materials (2018): 1802764.

19. Jiang, Yue, Xi Xie, Yu Chen, Y.J. Liu,, Rui Yang, and Guoxin Sui. "Hierarchically structured cellulose aerogels with interconnected MXene networks and their enhanced microwave absorption properties." Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6, no. 32 (2018): 8679-8687.

20. Yang, C. L, Zhang, Z. J., Li, S. J, Y.J. Liu,, Sercombe, T. B, Hou, W. T., ... & Yang, R. (2018). Simultaneous improvement in strength and plasticity of Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn manufactured by selective laser melting. Materials & Design, 157, 52-59.

21. C.D. Rabadia,Y.J. Liu,, G.H. Cao, Y.H. Li, C.W. Zhang, T.B. Sercombe, H. Sun, L.C. Zhang. High-strength β stabilized Ti-Nb-Fe-Cr alloys with large plasticity. Materials Science & Engineering A. (2018) Accepted.

22. Rabadia, C. D, Y.J. Liu,, L. Wang, H. Sun, and L. C. Zhang. "Laves phase precipitation in Ti-Zr-Fe-Cr alloys with high strength and large plasticity." Materials & Design, Accepted (2018).

23. P. Qin, Y.J. Liu,; T.B. Sercombe, Y. Li, C.W. Zhang, C. Cao, H. Sun, L.C. Zhang. Improved corrosion resistance on selective laser melting produced Ti-5Cu alloy after heat treatment. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, Accepted (2018).

24. Y. Bai, X. Gai, S. Li, L. Zhang, Y.J. Liu,, Y. Hao, X. Zhang, R. Yang, Y. Gao Improved corrosion behaviour of electron beam melted Ti-6Al4V alloy in phosphate buffered saline, Corrosion Science. 123 (2017) 289-296

25. X. Li, X. Wang, M. Saunders, A. Suvorova, L. Zhang, Y.J. Liu,, M. Fang, Z. Huang, T.B. Sercombe, A selective laser melting and solution heat treatment refined Al12Si alloy with a controllable ultrafine eutectic microstructure and 25% tensile ductility, Acta Materialia. 95 (2015) 74-82.

26. S. Ehtemam-Haghighi, Y.J. Liu,, G. Cao, L.-C. Zhang, Influence of Nb on the β→α” martensitic phase transformation and properties of the newly designed Ti-Fe-Nb alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: C. 60 (2015) 503-510.

27. S. Ehtemam-Haghighi, Y.J. Liu,, G. Cao, L.-C. Zhang, Phase transition, microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Ti-Nb-Fe alloys induced by Fe addition, Materials & Design. 97 (2016) 279-286.

28. X. Li, M. Roberts, Y.J. Liu,, C. Kang, H. Huang, T. Sercombe, Effect of substrate temperature on the interface bond between support and substrate during selective laser melting of AlNiYCoLa metallic glass, Materials & Design. 65 (2015) 1-6.

29. X. Lei, L Dong, Z Zhang, Y.J. Liu,, Y Hao, R Yang, L Zhang, Microstructure, Texture Evolution and Mechanical Properties of VT3-1 Titanium Alloy Processed by Multi-Pass Drawing and Subsequent Isothermal Annealing, Metals. 7 (2017) 131.

30. Y Jiang, Y.J. Liu,, P Min, G Sui, Y Hao, R Yang, L Zhang, BN@ PPS core-shell structure particles and their 3D segregated architecture composites with high thermal conductivities, Composites Science and Technology. 144 (2017) 63-69.

31. S. Zhao, W.T. Hou, YL Hao, Y.J. Liu,, L.C. Zhang, S.J. Li, R. Yang, Influence of annealing treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of graded structure Ti-6Al-4V alloys, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering (2017)

32. Lu, Yanjin, Sai Guo, Yang Yang, Y.J. Liu,, Yu Zhou, Songquan Wu, Chaoqian Zhao, and Jinxin Lin. "Effect of thermal treatment and fluoride ions on the electrochemical corrosion behavior of selective laser melted CoCrW alloy." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 730 (2018): 552-562.

33. Jawed, S. F., C. D. Rabadia, Y.J. Liu,, L. Wang, Y. H. Li, X. H. Zhang, and L. C. Zhang. "Mechanical characterization and deformation behavior of β-stabilized Ti-Nb-Sn-Cr alloys." Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019).

34. J. C. Wang, S. X. Liang, Z. Jia, W. C. Zhang, W. M. Wang, Y.J. Liu,, J. Lu, and L. C. Zhang. "Chemically dealloyed Fe-based metallic glass with void channels-like architecture for highly enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation in catalysis." Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019). (Q1, IF: 3.779)

35. C.D. Rabadia,Y.J. Liu,, Syed F. Jawed, L. Wang, Y. H. Li, X. H. Zhang, T. B. Sercombe, H. Sun, and L. C. Zhang. "Improved deformation behavior in Ti-Zr-Fe-Mn alloys comprising the C14 type Laves and β phases." Materials & Design 160 (2019): 1059-1070.

36. Rabadia, C.D., Y.J. Liu,, Chen, L.Y., Jawed, S.F., Wang, L.Q., Sun, H. and Zhang, L.C., 2019. Deformation and strength characteristics of Laves phases in titanium alloys. Materials & Design, p.107891.

37. Dechun Ren, Y.J. Liu,, Huibo Zhang, Jian Wang, Wei JinInfluence of cold deformation and aging heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical property of TB9 titanium alloy Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 472019 (11)

38. Yang, Y., J. B. Zhan, Z. Z. Sun, H. L. Wang, J. X. Lin, Y.J. Liu,, and L. C. Zhang. "Evolution of functional properties realized by increasing laser scanning speed for the selective laser melting fabricated NiTi alloy." Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2019).

39. Wang, J. C., Y.J. Liu,,Peng Qin, S. X. Liang, T. B. Sercombe, and L. C. Zhang. "Selective laser melting of Ti35Nb composite from elemental powder mixture: Microstructure, mechanical behavior and corrosion behavior." Materials Science and Engineering: A 760 (2019): 214-224.

40. Rabadia, C. D., Y.J. Liu,, C. H. Zhao, J. C. Wang, S. F. Jawed, L. Q. Wang, L. Y. Chen, H. Sun, and L. C. Zhang. "Improved trade-off between strength and plasticity in titanium based metastable beta type Ti-Zr-Fe-Sn alloys." Materials Science and Engineering: A 766 (2019): 138340.

41. Zhang, Lina, Liang-Yu Chen, Cuihua Zhao, Y.J. Liu,, and Lai-Chang Zhang. "Calculation of oxygen diffusion coefficients in oxide films formed on low-temperature annealed Zr alloys and their related corrosion behavior." Metals 9, no. 8 (2019): 850.

42. Jawed, Syed F., Chirag D. Rabadia, Y.J. Liu,, L. Q. Wang, Y. H. Li, X. H. Zhang, and Laichang C. Zhang. "Beta-type Ti-Nb-Zr-Cr alloys with large plasticity and significant strain hardening." Materials & Design 181 (2019): 108064.

43. Jawed, S. F., C. D. Rabadia, Y.J. Liu,, L. Q. Wang, P. Qin, Y. H. Li, X. H. Zhang, and L. C. Zhang. "The strengthening mechanism and corrosion resistance of beta-type Ti-Nb-Zr-Mn alloys." Materials Science and Engineering: C (2020): 110728.


1.   [1] L.C. Zhang, Y.J. Liu,, and L.Q. Wang, Development and Application of Biomedical Titanium Alloys, 19 (2018) 94-112

2.   [2] Zhang, Lai-Chang, and Y.J. Liu,. "Additive Manufacturing of Titanium Alloys for Biomedical Applications." Additive Manufacturing of Emerging Materials. Springer, Cham, 2019. 179-19
