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刘小春 湖湘学者

发布者:张凌  发布时间:2020年04月03日 20:11





Xiaochun LIU, Ph.D, Professor, Director of the Institue of Metals

1.研究领域/Research Interest


Aiming at the development of advanced metallic materials, such as high strength, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, radiation resistance, etc., we take advantage of the state of art micro/nano-mechanical testing in SEM/TEM as well as the advanced electron microscopes, to explore the intrinsic structure-property relations at different length scales, from millimeters to atomic scale.


The research goal of the advanced metallic materials division is twofold: (i) to explore the underlying mechanisms why the materials behavior like this, intriguing curiosity and creativity of those young students which leads them to be a promising scientist; (ii) to provide solutions for the design of new materials with advanced functions which enables us to get enough funds.

2.具体研究课题和方向/Research Project

2.1 微纳力学测试方法与应用:基于场发射SEMJEOL JMS 7900F)和场发射TEM (FEI Talos F200X),搭建(原位)微纳力学测试平台,开展包括原位拉伸、压缩、三点弯曲、单臂弯曲等力学性能测试与研究,以及力/电性能耦合测试;开发新的原位测试方法、拓展更多应用场景、筹建“金属材料微纳力学研究所”;

In-situ SEM/TEM based- micro/nano-mechanical testing

2.2 纳米尺度界面调控与优异性能探索:基于球差校正电子显微镜(FEI Themis Z 60-300 KV),对元素界面偏聚行为进行原子尺度结构与成分表征,揭示纳米尺度界面结构与金属性能之间的内在关系;

Design of high performance metallic materials through grain boundary engineering at nanoscale

2.3 3D打印多孔金属材料的制备与性能研究:基于微纳米力学测试平台与球差电镜表征,探究3D打印金属材料中的新问题、新性能与新机制;

Additive manufactured porous metallic materials

2.4 高熵合金的成分设计与结构-性能优化:基于微纳米力学测试平台与球差电镜表征,研究高熵合金的高温性能和电化学耐蚀行为;

High temperature application and corrosion behavior of high entropy alloys

2.5 金属表面近净成型与功能化:面向应用需求,研究金属表面功能化,发展耐磨、抗氧化、耐腐蚀的多功能金属表面

Multifunctional metallic materials through surface modifications

2.6 更多研究方向:研究PI和科研助理的加入,增加研究方向,待更新…

There will be more research topics with your contribution in the near future

3.金属材料学科研究团队梯度建设/Team member


3.1 科研PI/Principle investigator




3.2 科研助理/Research assistant




3.3 博士后/Postdoc




3.4 研究生/Student








4.学习与工作经历/Education and working experience

[1] 2009年获中南大学工学学士学位;

[2] 2015年在中国科学院大学获工学博士学位;

[3] 2015~2017年在中国科学院金属研究所任助理研究员;

[4] 2017-2019年在中国科学院金属研究所任副研究员;




5.主要项目及获奖/Fund and award

[1] 入选2021年“湖南省优秀青年基金”支持计划;

[2] 入选2020年“湖南省青年科技创新人才”支持计划;

[3] 入选2019年“湖湘学者”支持计划;

[4] 入选2018年中国科学院青年创新促进会会员;

[5] 入选2017年中国科学院金属研究所优秀学者;

[6] 2017年国家自然科学基金青年项目

[7] 入选2015年中国科学院金属研究所“葛庭燧奖研金”资助;


[1]X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang, K. Lu. Strain-induced ultrahard and ultrastable nanolaminated structure in nickel. Science, 342, (2013) 337-340. 

[2]X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang, K. Lu. Formation of nanolaminated structure in an interstitial-free Steel. Scripta Materialia, 95, (2015) 54-57. 

[3]X.C. Liu, H.W. Zhang, K. Lu. Formation of nanolaminated structure in nickel by means of surface mechanical grinding treatment. Acta Materialia 96,(201524-36.

[4]W. Xu, X.C. Liu*, K. Lu. Strain-induced microstructure refinement in pure Al below 100nm in size. Acta Materialia, 152, (2018) 138-147.

[5]W. Xu, X.C. Liu, X.Y. Li, K. Lu, Deformation induced grain boundary segregation in nanolaminated Al-Cu alloy, Acta Materialia, 182(2020) 2017-214

[6]Liu, Y.J., Zhang, J.S., Liu, X.C.*, Wu, X., Wang, J.C., Zhang, Y.S., Wang, L.Q. and Zhang, L.C, Non-layer-wise fracture and deformation mechanism in beta titanium cubic lattice structure manufactured by selective laser melting, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 822(2021) 141696

[7] Deng, Junwang, Chao Chen, Xiaochun Liu*, Yunping Li, Kechao Zhou, and Shengmin Guo, A high-strength heat-resistant Al−5.7Ni eutectic alloy with spherical Al 3 Ni nano-particles by selective laser melting, Scripta Materialia, 203(2021) 114034

[8] Li, Dan, Hualong Huang, Chao Chen, Shichao Liu, Xiaochun Liu*, Xiaoyong Zhang, and Kechao Zhou, Additive manufacturing of high strength near β titanium alloy Ti-55511 by engineering nanoscale secondary α laths via in-situ heat treatment, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 814 (2021) 141245

[9] Li, Feng, Taomei Zhang, Chao Chen, Xiaochun Liu*, and Kechao Zhou, Constructing an ultrahard layer on the surface of Ti3AlC2 ceramics via electron beam surface remelting, Materials Letters, 301 (2021) 130315

[10]. Achieving high strength and toughness by engineering 3D artificial nacre-like structures inTi6Al4V-Ti metallic composite, X Liu, Z Liu, Y Liu, Z Zafar, Y Lu, X Wu, Y Jiang, Z Xu, Z Guo, S Li, Composites Part B: Engineering, 109552

[11]. Corrosion behavior of novel titanium-based composite with engineering 3D artificial nacre-like structures, YJ. Lu, XC. Liu, YJ. Liu, X. Wu, Y. Jiang, Z. Liu, JX. Lin, LC. Zhang, Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing, In press, 2022 

[12]. Achieving high strength and high conductivity synergy through hierarchical precipitation stimulated structural heterogeneities in a Cu-Ag-Zr alloy, X Wu, J Zhang, R Wang, Z Zafar, X Liu, Y Liu, L Qian, L Sun, Materials & Design, 110777

[13] Simultaneous strength-ductility enhancement in as-cast Ti6Al4V alloy by trace Ce, KM Li, YJ Liu, XC Liu, X Wu, SF Zhou, LC Zhang, W Li, WC Zhang, Materials & Design, 110491

[14]. A novel GP-Li precursor and the correlated precipitation behaviors in Al-Cu-Li alloys with different Cu/Li ratio,  J Ma, X Liu, D Yan, L Rong, Acta Materialia, 2022

[15]. Creep deformation and strength evolution mechanisms of a Ti-6Al-4V alloy during stress relaxation at elevated temperatures from elastic to plastic loading, Y Zhang, D Li, X Li, X Liu, S Zhao, Y Li, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 126, 93-105,2022

[16]. Abnormal chemical composition fluctuations in multi-principal-element alloys induced by simple cyclic deformation, M He, N Jia, X Liu, Y Shen, L Zuo, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 113, 287-295, 2022

[17]. Bending compensated surface mechanical grinding treatment overcoming the strength-ductility trade-off in thin copper sheet K Han, X Li, X Liu, Y Li, D Li Materials Science and Engineering: A 832, 142391, 2022 

[18]. Probing the performance of structurally controlled platinum-cobalt bimetallic catalysts for selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde, J Su, W Shi, X Liu, L Zhang, S Cheng, Y Zhang, GA Botton, B Zhang Journal of catalysis 388, 164-170, 2020 






新利luck在线·(中国)有限公司官网金属研究所(Institute of Metals, IMS)成立于2020年5月。致力于聚集优秀科学家,创新研究所运行机制,激发研究人员的科研潜力,自由创新,打造一个对青年科研人员友好的全新科研生态:Scientist-hub(科学“家”),推动“全链条”、“贯通式”新材料研发与应用研究。



【1】    “人才突破”:研究所自主聘用全职科研助理,组建“PI+科研助理”的合作搭档,形成科研战斗力;研究所自主补贴科研PI,吸引全球优秀人才全职加盟;

【2】    “平台突破”:自筹资金采购设备,建设高端电镜中心(包括场发射SEM/EDS/EBSDFIBTEM)及相关原位样品杆等附件,搭建高水平基础科研与技术开发平台,自负盈亏;

【3】    “经费突破”:基于“人才+平台”优势,瞄准重大需求和技术问题,解决新材料研发与生产中的具体问题,以塌实/务实的态度与高校、企业开展合作研究,承接纵向、横向科研项目,为企业创造价值,实现盈利,反哺科研。

You are welcome to join the Institute of Metals (IMS).


Young man, you are wanted here!


