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2019年06月14日 16:37 来源:土木工程学院









从事结构抗爆领域的研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,主持或参与澳大利亚国家基金会、澳大利亚国防部等资助的科研项目。发表专著2部、学术论文60余篇,参编《民用建筑防爆设计规范》;受邀担任《Advances in Tribology》与《International Journal of Protective Structures》国际期刊特刊客座主编;在若干国际学术会议上获得“最佳论文奖”、“最佳青年学者奖”等奖项。

Dr Yifei Hao has been selected in the National Thousand Talents (Youth) Program- the Recruitment Program of Global Experts launched by the Chinese government. He received his BEng degree from Tianjin University in 2007 and PhD degree from University of Western Australia in 2013. After serving as Research Associate in University of Western Australia (2012-2014) and Lecturer in Curtin University (2014-2016), he joined School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University as a professor since 2017. He also serves as the executive committee member of International Association of Protective Structures, council member of Tianjin Civil Engineering Society.

Dr Yifei Hao’s research interests include Blast and Impact Engineering, Protective Structures, Green Construction Materials and Disaster Prevention etc. His research outcome has been included in the Chinese Technical Specifications on Civil Structure against Blast Loads. He has been involved in a number of research projects funded by Australian Research Council, and is now acting as the principal investigator of a research program funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 50 research articles including more than 30 journal papers, 1 book chapter and 3 keynote conference papers with citations more than 400 times and H-index of 11 (Scopus). He received Best Young Researcher Award and Highly Commendable Paper Award in international conferences and acted as the guest editor of International Journal of Protective Structures (ESCI).

上一条:预告:李先义:三维混沌系统的奇异轨道与复杂分岔 下一条:预告:Sie Long Kek: Discrete-Time Nonlinear Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Least-Square Approach
