
2020年10月27日 | 点击次数:



报告内容: Global convergence rate from hyperbolic systems of balance laws to parabolic systems

报告人姓名: 李亚纯

报告人所在单位: 上海交通大学数学科学学院

报告人职称: 教授

报告时间: 20201029日(星期四)下午15:30

报告地点: 理科楼A-212


内容简介In this talk we establish the global globally-in-time convergence rate from the partially dissipative hyperbolic systems to parabolic systems in a slow time scaling, when initial data are smooth and sufficiently close to constant equilibrium states. The proof of the error estimates uses a stream function technique together with energy estimates. As applications of the results, we give some examples arising from physical models. This is a joint work with Yue-Jun Peng and Liang Zhao.
