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[5]共固定化固体碳源和菌源强化人工湿地脱氮机制研究,湖南省教育厅重点项目(19A032),2019.9 ~ 2022.8,主持,已结题;







[1]余关龙. 水分析化学实验教程. 中南大学出版社, 2023年2月第1版, ISBN: 978-7-5487-4979-0.

[2]杨春平, 余关龙等, 废水处理原理. 湖南大学出版社, 2012年12月第1版, ISBN: 978-7-5667-0125 -1/TQ12.


发表论文60余篇,其中SCI 论文30余篇;申请专利40余项,已授权20项,代表性学术成果如下:


[1]Yu GL, Chen HF, Chen JD, Chen S*, Long YN, Huang JJ, Wang YQ, He SC. Enhanced nitrogen removal through aerobic denitrifying bacteria in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands: Influencing factors and microbial community structure. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2024, 481: 148654. (SCI 2022 IF=15.1). 

[2]Yu GL, Sun QF, Yang Y, Chen S*. Long YN. Li YF, Ge SY, Zheng D. BiOCl-based composites for photocatalytic degradation of antibiotics: A review of synthesis method, modification, factors affecting photodegradation and toxicity assessment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024, 981: 173733.(SCI 2022 IF=6.2).

[3]Yu GL*, Huang JJ, Chen HF, Chen JD, Ge SY, Liu JX, Zhen D. Recent advances in the effects of biochar on constructed wetlands: Treatment Performance and Microorganisms. Separations, 2023, 10(593): 1-16. (SCI 2022 IF=2.6).

[4]Yu GL*, Yang Y, Wang ST, Yu Z, Sun QF, Li YF, Sun JL, Ling T, Shu ZL. Preparation of Bi2O2CO3/BiOBr0.9I0.1 photocatalyst and its degradation performance for 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023, 952: 169835. (SCI 2021 IF=6.371).

[5]Yu GL*, Yang K, Yang Y, Li YF, Sun QF, Li PY, Wang WM*, Song FM, Ling T, Peng XJ, Yu Z, Sun SQ. Efficient Removal of tetracycline hydrochloride through novel Fe/BiOBr/Bi2WO6 photocatalyst prepared by dual-strategy under visible-light irradiation. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2024, 138: 46-61. (SCI 2021 IF=6.796).

[6]Yu GL, Chen JD, Wang GL, Chen HF, Huang JJ, Li YF, Wang WM*, Song FM, Ma YJ, Wang Q, Wang MM, Ling T, Shu ZL, Sun JL, Yu Z. Recent advances in constructed wetlands methane reduction: mechanisms and methods. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2023, 14, 1106332. (SCI 2021 IF=6.064).

[7]Wang GL, Yu GL*, Chi TY, Li YF, Zhang YM, Wang JW, Li PY, Liu JX, Yu Z, Wang Q, Wang MM, Sun SQ. Insights into the enhanced effect of biochar on cadmium removal in vertical flow constructed wetlands. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2023, 443 (Part A), 130148. (SCI 2021 IF=14.224).

[8]Yu GL, Wang GL, Chi TY, Du CY, Wang JW, Li PY, Zhang YM, Wang ST, Yang K, Long YN, Chen H*. Enhanced removal of heavy metals and metalloids by constructed wetlands: A review of approaches and mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 821, 153516. (SCI 2020 IF=7.963).

[9]Yu GL, Li PY, Wang GL, Wang JW, Zhang YM, Wang ST, Yang K, Du CY, Chen H*. A review on the removal of heavy metals and metalloids by constructed wetlands: Bibliometric, removal pathways, and key factors. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021, 37: 157. (SCI 2020 IF=3.312).

[10]Yu GL, Wang GL, Wang ST, Yang CP, Chen H*, Zhu YC, Yu LE, Li JB, Kazemian H. Performance promotion and its mechanism for n-hexane removal in a lab-scale biotrickling filter with reticular polyurethane sponge under intermittent spraying mode. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021, 152: 654-662. (SCI 2020 IF=6.158).

[11]Yu GL, Wang GL, Li JB, Chi TY, Wang ST, Peng HY, Chen H*, Du CY, Jiang CB, Liu YY, Zhou L, Wu HP. Enhanced Cd2+ and Zn2+ removal from heavy metal wastewater in constructed wetlands with resistant microorganisms, Bioresource Technology. 2020, 313, 123898 (SCI 2020 IF= 9.642).

[12]Yu GL*, Peng HY, Du CY, Chen H, Zhang W*. Integrated process combined with Fenton reaction for the treatment of papermaking deinking wastewater. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan. 2020, 53(10): 653-659 (SCI 2019 IF=0.651).

[13]Yu GL, Peng HY, Fu YJ, Yan XJ, Du CY*, Chen H. Enhanced nitrogen removal of low C/N wastewater in constructed wetlands with co-immobilizing solid carbon source and denitrifying bacteria. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 280: 337-344 (SCI 2019 IF=7.539).

[14]Du CY, Zhang Z, Yu GL*, Wu HP, Chen H, Zhou L, Zhang Y, Su YH, Tan SY, Yang L, Song JH, Wang ST. A review of metal organic framework (MOFs)-based materials for antibiotics removal via adsorption and photocatalysis. Chemosphere, 2021, 272: 129501 (SCI 2019 IF=5.778).

[15]Du CY, Zhang Z, Tan SY, Yu GL*, Chen H, Zhou L, Yu L, Su YH, Zhang Y, Deng FF, Wang ST. Construction of Z-scheme g-C3N4/MnO2/GO ternary photocatalyst with enhanced photodegradation ability of tetracycline hydrochloride under visible light radiation. Environmental Research. 2021, 200: 111427.

[16]Cheng Y#, He HJ#, Yang CP#*, Zeng GM#*, Li X#, Chen H#, Yu GL#. Challenges and solutions for biofiltration of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds. Biotechnology Advances, 2016, 34(6): 1091-1102 (SCI 2015 IF=9.848,共同一作).

[17]Wang H#, Yu GL#, He WN#, Du CY, Deng ZY, Wang DB, Yang M, Yang EZ, Zhou YY, Sanjaya EH, Chen H*. Enhancing autotrophic nitrogen removal with a novel dissolved oxygen-differentiated airlift internal circulation reactor: Long-term operational performance and microbial characteristics. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 296: 113271 (SCI 2015 IF=6.789) (共同一作) .

[18]Chen H*, Wei YX, Peng L, Ni JL, Guo Y, Ji JY, Jiang B, Yu GL*. Long-term MIBK removal in a tubular biofilter: Effects of organic loading rates and gas empty bed residence times. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2018, 119: 87-95 (SCI 2017 IF=3.441).

[19]Chen H, Peng L, Wei YX, Yu L, Jiang B, Wang H, Yu GL*, Zhang GJ. Tubular biofilter treatment of isobutanol emissions under various organic loading rates. Environment Protection Engineering, 2020, 46(1): 15-29 (SCI 2018 IF = 0.616).

[20]Yang CP, Yu GL, Zeng GM, Chen H, Yang HN, Chen FY, Jin CY. Performance of biotrickling filters packed with structured or cubic polyurethane sponges for VOC removal. J Environ Sci, 2011, 23(8) 1325–1333. (SCI 2010 IF=1.513 EI).

[21]Yang CP, Chen H, Zeng GM, Yu GL, Luo SL. Biomass accumulation and control strategies in gas biofiltration. Biotechnology Advances. 2010, 28(4) 531-540.

[22]Yang CP, Chen H, Zeng GM, Yu GL, Liu XF, Zhang XM. Modeling variations of medium porosity in rotating drum biofilter. Chemosphere, 2009, 74(2): 245-249. (SCI, EI 084811749143).

[23]Li RX, Yang CP, Chen H, Zeng GM, Yu GL, Guo JY. Treatment of triazophos pesticide wastewater by Fenton’s reaction. J Hazard Mater. 2009, 167(1-3): 1028-1032.

[24]Chen H, Yang CP, Zeng GM, Yu KL, Qu W, Yu GL, Meng L. Numerical simulations for volatile organic compound removal in rotating drum biofilter. Chinese Sci Bull, 2007, 52(16): 2184–2189.

[25]Chen H, Yang CP, Zeng GM, Luo SL, Yu GL Tubular biofilter for toluene removal under various organic loading rates and gas empty bed residence times. Bioresour. Technol. 2012, 121:199-204. (SCI 2011 IF=4.980).

[26]余关龙*, 李培媛, 杨凯, 孙琪芳, 阳艺. Fe3+掺杂BiOCl光催化剂降解盐酸四环素的性能研究. 复合材料学报. 2023, 41(1): 6182-6193. (EI,CSCD核心).

[27]熊鹰, 张亚蒙, 余关龙*, 李培媛, 王建武, 杨凯. 复合絮凝剂处理高浓度果胶废水的性能研究. 水处理技术, 2022, 48(11) , 98-101.

[28]余关龙*, 王世涛, 杨凯, 孙琪芳, 阳艺. BiOI/BiOBr0.9I0.1光催化剂的制备及其对2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸降解性能. 复合材料学报. 2023, 40(1): 201-211. (EI,CSCD核心).

[29]余关龙, 彭海渊, 王世涛, 汪国梁, 陈宏, 杜春艳, 刘媛媛, 孙士权*, 禹丽娥. 固定化生物吸附剂对Cd(Ⅱ)的去除性能及机理. 化工进展. 2021, 40(5): 2882-2892. (EI,CSCD核心)

[30]余关龙*, 付永江, 彭海渊, 严晓江, 杜春艳. 水平潜流人工湿地对水中 Cd2+、Zn2+及营养物的去除. 环境工程. 2019, 37(10): 116-120.

[31]王春喜, 余关龙*, 张登祥, 严晓江, 付永江, 彭海渊. 固定化反硝化菌联合固体碳源小球处理低碳氮比污水的性能研究. 环境污染与防治, 2018, 40(8): 870-874.

[32]王春喜, 余关龙*, 张登祥, 付永江, 彭海渊, 严晓江. 固体碳源联合反硝化菌脱氮的影响因素研究. 水处理技术, 2018. 44(10): 62-65.

[33]余关龙, 杨春平, 马淑广, 曾光明, 钟袁元. 造纸脱墨废水的深度处理技术,环境工程,2007,25(4):28-30.


[1]余关龙, 陈宏, 杨春平, 蒋昌波, 谭万春, 杜春艳. 一种控制生物滴滤器内生物膜过度蓄积的方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201110336979.6.

[2]余关龙, 陈宏, 杜春艳, 胡世雄, 禹丽娥, 余志, 罗松柏. 高浓度果胶废水的处理方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201510050653.5.

[3]余关龙, 陈宏, 杜春艳, 张波, 吴方同, 徐学. 柑桔罐头生产废水的处理方法: 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201510050478.X.

[4]余关龙, 张波, 陈宏, 杜春艳, 罗松柏, 胡世雄, 孙士权, 聂小宝.一种高浓度果胶废水的处理工艺. 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201510050673.2.

[5]余关龙, 张登祥, 张中脊, 严晓江, 付永江, 王春喜, 陈宏, 杜春艳. 固定反硝化细菌的固体碳源小球及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201710602142.9.

[6]余关龙, 付永江, 严晓江, 彭海渊, 陈宏, 杜春艳. 固定化菌联合多组分固体碳源小球及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201710601603.0.

[7]余关龙, 黄嘉俊, 阳艺, 孙琪芳, 陈慧芳, 陈隽丹. 一种基于氧化还原电位的淤泥厚度快速确定方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 202111499730.7.

[8]张登祥, 余关龙, 王春喜, 张春财, 张加璇, 付永江, 严晓江. 固定反硝化细菌的固体碳源小球处理低碳氮比污水的方法. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201710602194.6.

[9]王春喜, 余关龙, 钱湛, 卓志宇, 宋伟, 李爽, 张月, 刘清, 司露. 人工湿地污水处理装置. 中国发明专利. 专利号: ZL 201710351974.8.

[10]杨春平, 余关龙, 曾光明, 龚继来, 路培, 陈宏, 刘先锋, 瞿畏. 一种处理含甲苯废气的生物过滤装置. 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 200810030858.7.

[11]陈宏, 余关龙, 蒋昌波, 杨春平, 胡旭跃, 朱玲, 雷敏, 杜春艳. 一种蜂箱式生物过滤反应器: 中国发明专利. 申请号: 201110338146.3; 公开号: CN102500230A.

[12]陈宏, 余关龙, 蒋昌波, 杜春艳, 王云波, 万俊力, 隋海清, 杨春平. 一种调控气相生物过滤器内生物量的方法: 中国发明专利. 专利号: 201110337033.1.

[13]陈宏, 余关龙, 蒋昌波, 杨春平, 吴方同, 谢敏, 余志, 丁立行. 一种处理恶臭和有机废气的生态棚: 中国发明专利. 专利号: 201110337604.1.

[14]杨春平, 杨海宁, 陈宏, 余关龙, 曾光明, 罗胜联. 多管式废气生物过滤装置. 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201010245866.0.

[15]王春喜, 余关龙, 钱湛, 卓志宇, 宋伟, 李爽, 张月, 刘清, 司露. 人工湿地污水处理装置. 实用新型专利. 专利号: 201720553602.9.

[16]钱湛, 卓志宇, 余关龙. 电镀废水再生回用一体化处理装置. 实用新型专利. 专利号: 201920823413.8.

[17]卓志宇, 钱湛, 余关龙. 电镀废水再生回用集成化处理装置. 实用新型专利. 专利号: 201920822861.6.


[1]2021年度“湖南省水利水电科技进步奖”三等奖, 固定化菌联合固体碳源强化人工湿地去除富营养化水体中氮素的关键技术研究, 湖南省水利学会, 排名第2, 证书号:2019-430-1701, 2021-01.

[2]2017年度“湖南省科技进步奖”三等奖: 洞庭湖区生态基流及生态水位特性研究, 证书号:20174155-J3-135-D01, 2018-5-4.

[3]2016年度“湖南省水利水电科技进步奖”二等奖: 洞庭湖区生态基流及生态水位特性研究, 证书号:2016-430-0502, 2017-4-1.

[4]2016年“荣威新能源杯”第九届全国大学生节能减排-社会实践与科技竞赛, 国家三等奖, 指导老师, 2016-08. 2022年“六百光年杯”第十五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛, 国家三等奖, 指导老师,2022-08.

[5]2015年第四届全国大学生水利创新设计大赛二等奖, 指导老师, 2015-07. 2023年第八届全国大学生水利创新设计大赛一等奖, 指导老师(2), 2023-07.

[6]2015年新利luck在线·(中国)有限公司官网优秀本科毕设指导教师, 2015年新利luck在线·(中国)有限公司官网, 2015-06。

8、联系电话:13786180467 联系邮箱:ygl079@csust.edu.cn;510309454@qq.com
